Pricing - Basics


Minimum - $190 PFH

Audiobook or Narration Per Finished Hour

This price is for a book that needs to be turned into audio. What I provide is character voices, recording, and editing.

Starting $150

Corporate, E-learning, Internal Narration, Training Audio

Based on the amount of words this is largely non-broadcast which means that it is only to be housed in the company and not broadcast out into the world. These rates are for a single piece of work.

Starting $50

Podcast Guest spot, One on One coaching (one hour), Small project

For smaller form items that are partially personal or almost on a start up. Guest spot would have to be something that I can speak to. Coaching can be done through Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, etc. As well as small projects like free independent games for example.

For an expanded rate sheet

Commercials, broadcast projects, and International spots

Click here: Rate sheet